Beautiful Skin
Starts Here

Discover a whole new world of facial rejuvenation that gives
real and lasting results the natural way

Today Is Always A Good Day To Start

Healthy skin relies on movement beneath the surface - we exercise our bodies, so why not the face?

There are over 59 muscles in the face and neck which can be toned through exercise in the the same way you would exercise your body - these muscles are attached to your skin, so by tightening these up, you’re also lifting the skin along with it.

But face yoga isn’t just a bunch of exercises and although it can help you achieve a more youthful and vibrant appearance, the real magic happens on the inside, helping you to feel happy and confident in your own skin!

" The 90 minutes whizzed by and I didn’t want it to end! I was lapping up all the information, loved the practices and really enjoyed Sarah’s engaging and accessible style of teaching. I felt fabulous from the face yoga techniques, particularly the buccal practices as I suffer from TMJ. My skin felt incredible and was zinging all day! I felt also deeply relaxed and grounded "


Put Your Best Face Forward

Just like body yoga, the aim of face yoga is self realisation, bringing about holistic well - being and confidence, enabling you to put your best face forward to the world, whatever age you are at!

You might be surprised to learn that many wrinkles are not age related, but are the effect of repeatedly overusing certain muscles over time. In face yoga we become aware of our daily facial postures and habits that lead to these kind of wrinkles and learn how to release tension from the overused muscles that cause them. On the other hand, some facial muscles are under used or not used in a balanced way, creating sagging or asymmetry, so we work to tone these up and to create balance.

Face yoga isn’t a quick fix - it’s like going to the gym, if you only went once you wouldn’t see any benefits! Think of it as embracing a lifestyle rather than doing a one off session and expecting the results to stay that way forever

Practice as often as you like, at a time and place that suits you

Set yourself up for the day or ease away the day's tension

Bite size sessions, designed to fit into your busy lifestyle 

Hi I'm Sarah

AKA the Skin Wytch!

I have a passion for helping people, just like you, to look great and to feel amazing, everyday.

Much as I love delivering facial treatments (and of course the relaxation aspect in itself has a positive impact on skin), I am upfront and honest with my clients and tell them that what they are doing at home on a basis will have far more impact than on their skin than an occasional, or even monthly facial.

As a certified face yoga teacher, my aim is to empower you to take charge of your own face, creating a firmer, more sculpted appearance, with fewer wrinkles and a renewed confidence!

" I’m amazed and so pleased with my face yoga results, after only 4 months! Sarah introduced me to face yoga during one of my regular treatments with her. I became fascinated and intrigued after seeing the drastic improvements in her skin. I completed the 6 week course which was delivered in a professional and friendly way, and it really kept me inspired to keep it up. I liked how the classes were recorded so I could watch them again, and I found myself using the techniques both in the mornings and evenings as part of my skin care routine. "

Rebecca Griffin

What's Included?

For those who crave an all-encompassing, full-face transformation, our Face Yoga Course is your perfect match.

This comprehensive programme brings all six masterclasses into one seamless course – not only will you receive the complete toolkit to work out every facial muscle at your own pace, but you’ll also save while doing it.

With unrestricted access, you can enjoy the ultimate face workout anytime, anywhere for just £139


It’s never too late to start exercising your face! Whilst you may not be able to completely to completely erase wrinkles, they will appear much softer with a regular practice & regaining some tone in the muscles will lift the overlying skin. The increased blood and lymphatic circulation will result in healthier, more vibrant skin whatever age you are at. The Skin Wytch Face Yoga masterclasses include a combination of massage techniques ‘Release’ and exercise techniques ‘Rebuild’. In the case of more fragile, thinner skin, I recommend practicing the massage techniques more gently and using a little facial oil for glide to avoid bruising the skin.

From the age of 25 our skin has already begun the ageing process, as our bodies are producing less collagen and elastin with each passing year. That said, not all wrinkles are necessary age related and develop as a result of repeated muscle contractions from over expressing with certain facial movements. Part of a face yoga practice is developing an awareness of facial posture, so you are preventing the formation of wrinkles by relaxing muscles in certain areas, whilst strengthening other muscles that may be underused resulting in facial sagging.

The short answer is, whenever it is convenient to fit into your lifestyle! Practicing first thing in the morning wakes up and activates the muscles, setting you up for the day, whilst an evening practice can melt away the day’s tension, ready for a good night’s sleep. It doesn’t really matter, just do it! 

For best results, I recommend practicing little & often. It’s like going to the gym - if you did no exercise all week & then did a really long session at the weekend, it wouldn’t be as beneficial as doing regular, shorter sessions throughout the week. A successful Face Yoga practice is a lifestyle, it requires consistency & patience to see results. 

This will vary with each individual - lifestyle factors such as age, diet, hydration, sleep, sun exposure & stress levels will impact results. Some may see results in 2 weeks, for others it may be 2 months - don’t give up before the magic happens!   I believe it is important to embrace a Face Yoga Practice as a form of self care, to enjoy the way it makes you feel and not just seeing it as a means to end, to look younger - when we feel good, we look good, so breathe, relax and enjoy it! 

It is advisable to wait a minimum of 4-6 weeks before practicing Face Yoga in an area of the face that has been treated with Botox, however please consult your practitioner for further advice.   The Skin Wytch Face Yoga masterclasses include a combination of massage techniques ‘Release’ and exercise techniques ‘Rebuild’ which may result in Botox wearing off more quickly.  It is always recommended to perform massage techniques lightly over an area that has been treated with Botox.   Initially you may find it difficult to activate the muscles during the exercise techniques; as the effects of Botox wears off, you will find you can move your muscles more easily.

As is the case with Botox, it is advisable to wait a minimum of 4-6 weeks before practicing Face Yoga techniques in an area of the face that has been treated with filler as to avoid moving it; consult your practitioner for further advice.  The Skin Wytch Face Yoga masterclasses include a combination of massage techniques ‘Release’ and exercise techniques ‘Rebuild’.   Exercising the underlying muscles is beneficial even with facial fillers, as good muscle tone helps to maintain the shape & contour of the face.  However, it is advisable to proceed very lightly with massage techniques over an area where there is filler to avoid  migration.

The Skin Wytch Face Yoga masterclasses include a combination of massage techniques ‘Release’ and exercise techniques ‘Rebuild’.   It is advisable to avoid the massage based ‘Release’ techniques in an active flare up of acne or any other inflammatory skin conditions or skin barrier disorder such as rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and peri oral dermatitis.   However, the exercise techniques, ‘Rebuild’ are suitable to practice as they are working the muscles and not creating friction to the surface of the skin.

True facial rejuvenation happens when you pay attention to what’s going on under the surface of the skin - no flow, no glow.