Love The Skin
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Forget the needles, the miracle cream too, and the endless products cluttering your bathroom shelf. Face Yoga offers a gentle, effective way to tone and revitalise your facial muscles, leaving you with a fresher, younger-looking complexion

Customise Your Journey To Radiant, Youthful Skin

Whether you’re easing into face yoga or looking to zero in on specific concerns, there's an option here just for you!

I completely understand that diving into a full face yoga course might seem a bit overwhelming for some. Perhaps you’ve got a specific area you’d like to focus on – maybe it's those pesky crow’s feet, a sagging jawline, or even the stubborn furrows on your forehead. That’s why I’ve made it super simple for you.

I’m offering 6 specialised masterclasses, each dedicated to targeting a particular area of your face, available for individual purchase. This way, you can customise your journey to radiant, youthful skin by picking and choosing the exact classes that best fit your needs. 


Hi I'm Sarah

AKA The Skin Wytch!

I have a passion for helping people, just like you, to look great and to feel amazing, everyday!

Much as I love delivering facial treatments (and of course the relaxation aspect in itself has a positive impact on skin), I am upfront and honest to my clients and I tell them that what they are doing at home on a basis will have far more impact than on their skin than an occasional, or even monthly facial.

As a certified face yoga teacher, my aim is to empower you to take charge of your own face, creating a firmer, more sculpted appearance, with fewer wrinkles and a renewed confidence!

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s never too late to start exercising your face! Whilst you may not be able to completely to completely erase wrinkles, they will appear much softer with a regular practice & regaining some tone in the muscles will lift the overlying skin. The increased blood and lymphatic circulation will result in healthier, more vibrant skin whatever age you are at. The Skin Wytch Face Yoga masterclasses include a combination of massage techniques ‘Release’ and exercise techniques ‘Rebuild’. In the case of more fragile, thinner skin, I recommend practicing the massage techniques more gently and using a little facial oil for glide to avoid bruising the skin.

From the age of 25 our skin has already begun the ageing process, as our bodies are producing less collagen and elastin with each passing year. That said, not all wrinkles are necessary age related and develop as a result of repeated muscle contractions from over expressing with certain facial movements. Part of a face yoga practice is developing an awareness of facial posture, so you are preventing the formation of wrinkles by relaxing muscles in certain areas, whilst strengthening other muscles that may be underused resulting in facial sagging.

The short answer is, whenever it is convenient to fit into your lifestyle! Practicing first thing in the morning wakes up and activates the muscles, setting you up for the day, whilst an evening practice can melt away the day’s tension, ready for a good night’s sleep. It doesn’t really matter, just do it! 

For best results, I recommend practicing little & often. It’s like going to the gym - if you did no exercise all week & then did a really long session at the weekend, it wouldn’t be as beneficial as doing regular, shorter sessions throughout the week. A successful Face Yoga practice is a lifestyle, it requires consistency & patience to see results. 

This will vary with each individual - lifestyle factors such as age, diet, hydration, sleep, sun exposure & stress levels will impact results. Some may see results in 2 weeks, for others it may be 2 months - don’t give up before the magic happens!   I believe it is important to embrace a Face Yoga Practice as a form of self care, to enjoy the way it makes you feel and not just seeing it as a means to end, to look younger - when we feel good, we look good, so breathe, relax and enjoy it! 

It is advisable to wait a minimum of 4-6 weeks before practicing Face Yoga in an area of the face that has been treated with Botox, however please consult your practitioner for further advice.   The Skin Wytch Face Yoga masterclasses include a combination of massage techniques ‘Release’ and exercise techniques ‘Rebuild’ which may result in Botox wearing off more quickly.  It is always recommended to perform massage techniques lightly over an area that has been treated with Botox.   Initially you may find it difficult to activate the muscles during the exercise techniques; as the effects of Botox wears off, you will find you can move your muscles more easily.

As is the case with Botox, it is advisable to wait a minimum of 4-6 weeks before practicing Face Yoga techniques in an area of the face that has been treated with filler as to avoid moving it; consult your practitioner for further advice.  The Skin Wytch Face Yoga masterclasses include a combination of massage techniques ‘Release’ and exercise techniques ‘Rebuild’.   Exercising the underlying muscles is beneficial even with facial fillers, as good muscle tone helps to maintain the shape & contour of the face.  However, it is advisable to proceed very lightly with massage techniques over an area where there is filler to avoid  migration.

The Skin Wytch Face Yoga masterclasses include a combination of massage techniques ‘Release’ and exercise techniques ‘Rebuild’.   It is advisable to avoid the massage based ‘Release’ techniques in an active flare up of acne or any other inflammatory skin conditions or skin barrier disorder such as rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and peri oral dermatitis.   However, the exercise techniques, ‘Rebuild’ are suitable to practice as they are working the muscles and not creating friction to the surface of the skin.